American HVAC Solutions is an HVAC company that services most of Eastern, NC. The owner of the company was starting up his business and needed a logo to help put a visual brand to his business, and a website to help advertise his services. He asked for the logo first and the website second so that we could establish the style and personality for his business.  
Logo Package Process:
Chris (the owner) wanted the logo to represent his American pride through American Flag usage, and for the shape to be a shield; so I started with these compositions and sent them to Chris for approval:
After Chris reviewed the logo, he let me know he wanted a mixture between option #1 and option #3 and to make the flag brighter in the background for option #1. After combining certain factors from each option and brightening the flag, I created the final design below. Chris loved the outcome and I went ahead and packaged the logo in Illustrator and created alternative styles for different uses (such as grayscale, vertical and horizontal designs & more), as well as sent him an Adobe Color Brand Palette so he can use his exact colors in the future.
Website Design Process:
After establishing the brand style and personality (American pride, bold fonts, and American Flag colors), I started designing the website and adding all of the elements he requested. I wanted the website to be easy to understand, quick to find information, and display his love for his work and American Pride. After about a month of designing, sending the site to Chris to review, and doing technical touch ups, I came up with the final design below (only the home screen is displayed below). The website has a total of 10 pages, full of animations and red, white, and blue colors!
(Screen Recording of Home Page to display animations and interactive features)
Chris was very pleased with my work, and it perfectly displayed his work and his brand personality! He can now brand his invoices, T-shirts, social media pages, and more with his logo and share his website with the world to obtain more customers quickly and effectively through online forms. 

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